Sunday, May 24, 2020
Switching Ideaologies during the Great Depression - 934 Words
During the Great Depression era, many presidents found themselves sliding between political ideologies. They would identify with one, but also enact policies that fall unto the other side. They slid back and forth between being Liberal (or more Democratic) and being Conservative (or more Republican). The ideologies for each side bore a massive difference. The Democrats would favor help from the government while the Republicans chose to go with the attitude of it’s up to the people to make a difference - hard work and no help. The two presidents of this era, Herbert Hoover and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had different policies abiding to their different sides. While these policies differed from the expected ideologies, they fall closely into what one would expect from today’s political parties. Herbert Hoover, a Republican, followed the path of less government and went directly against Roosevelt and his liberalism. Hoover considered himself a Republican with liberalistic views. During the 1932 election, Hoover ran the campaign against Roosevelt saying that with Roosevelt’s idea of combining government and business is false liberalism (Document 1). This political ideology most closely identifies with a Democratic view point, which is why Hoover also believed he belonged in every group. (Document 1). Although he identified with Republicans, he tended to slide towards the other half as well. However, during the actual depression, Hoover sided with the Republicans more. During
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Principle of Marketing - 1655 Words
Principles of Marketing Promotion: Overview and Personal Selling Promotion Mix Personal Selling Advertising Publicity Sales Promotion Elements in the Communication Process (Fig. 14.2) Promotion Strategy Strategic Objectives Appropriate Tasks Budget Implementation Evaluation and Control Strategic Issues Integration Relationships Goals: Information, Persuasion, Reminder Consumer Considerations: AIETA Model Target Integrated Marketing Communications (Fig. 14.1) Advertising Personal selling Sales promotion Public relations Direct marketing A View of the Communications Process Marketers View Communications as the Management of the Customer Relationship Over Time Through the Following Stages: Preselling†¦show more content†¦Reps†) Simple Low fixed costs Less control High variable costs Designing Sales Force Strategy and Structure Sales Force Size productive and expensive assets shrinking in size workload approach Sales force size Increases with Decreases with Training Salespeople The Average Sales Training Program lasts for Four Months and Has the Following Goals: Help Salespeople Know Identify With the Company Learn About the Products Learn About Competitors’ and Customers’ Characteristics Learn How to Make Effective Presentations Understand Field Procedures and Responsibilities Compensating Salespeople To Attract Salespeople, a Company Must Have an To Attract Salespeople, a Company Must Have an Attractive Plan Made Up of Several Elements Attractive Plan Made Up of Several Elements Fixed Fixed Amount Amount Usually a Usually a Salary Salary Variable Variable Amount Amount Usually Usually Commissions Commissions Or Bonuses Or Bonuses Expense Expense Allowance Allowance For Job For Job Related Related Expenses Expenses Supervising Salespeople Directing Salespeople Directing Salespeople †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Identify Customer Targets Identify Customer Targets Call Norms Call Norms †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Develop Prospect Target Develop Prospect Target †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Use Sales Time Efficiently Use Sales Time Efficiently Annual Call Plan Annual Call Plan Time-and-Duty Analysis Time-and-Duty AnalysisShow MoreRelatedMarketing Principles1212 Words  | 5 PagesMarketing principles: Task 2 2.1 Explain how the vacuum cleaner is developed to sustain a competitive advantage. 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Dear Madam, It gives ours immenseRead MoreThe Principles of Marketing1870 Words  | 8 PagesPrinciples of Marketing: Marketing basically involves a series of processes that focus on determining customers wants and then providing the necessary product to them. This process can also be regarded as the procedure of developing and implementing initiatives that are geared toward identifying, expecting, and satisfying the wants and demands of customers in a way that also generates profits. Marketing not only contains several important principles but it also consists of four major elementsRead MoreMarketing Principles3139 Words  | 13 PagesREGENT COLLEGE BTEC Higher National Certificate in Business Assignment Brief Unit Number: Unit Title: 4 Marketing Principles BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business Unit 4: Marketing Principles Assignment Cover Sheet Assignment No: ............................................. I hereby confirm that this assignment is my own work. I have identified and acknowledged all sources used in this assignment and have referenced according to the Harvard Referencing system. I have readRead MoreMarketing Principles3151 Words  | 13 PagesREGENT COLLEGE BTEC Higher National Certificate in Business Assignment Brief Unit Number: Unit Title: 4 Marketing Principles BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business Unit 4: Marketing Principles Assignment Cover Sheet Assignment No: ............................................. I hereby confirm that this assignment is my own work. I have identified and acknowledged all sources used in this assignment and have referenced according to the Harvard Referencing system. I have read and understoodRead MoreMarketing Principles4269 Words  | 18 PagesBTEC HND in Business Unit 4: Marketing Principles Assignment One: The Concepts and Process of Marketing Section Number | Contents | Page Number | 1.0 | Marketing definitions | 3 | 2.0 | The Orientation of Marketing | 4 | 3.0 | 3.1 The Main Characteristics of Marketing3.2 Benefits and Costs | 56 | 4.0 | The Marketing Concept | 6 | 5.0 | 5.1 Macro Environment5.2 Micro Environment5.3 SWOT Analysis | 9,10,11 | 6.0 | 6.1 Self Evaluation6.3 Time Schedule | 12,13 | 7.0 | ReferenceRead MorePrinciples of Marketing2147 Words  | 9 PagesPrinciples Of Marketing Gregory Williams Principles Of Marketing BUS 330 Kristin Brocklesby 28 Sep 2009 The subject of my final paper is Principles of Marketing. I will cover the following topics: Definition of Marketing; The Marketing Process; An Understanding of the Marketplace; Marketing Strategies; and Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibilities. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Present Simple Free Essays
PRESENT SIMPLE 1-When do we use it? -When we are talking about a habit; -When we are talking about a schedule; -When we are stating a fact; -When we say something that is generally true; -When we give instructions or directions. 2-TIME EXPRESSIONS for things that happen regularly are: -Every†¦. -Once a†¦. We will write a custom essay sample on Present Simple or any similar topic only for you Order Now -Twice a†¦. -On Tuesdays†¦.. -In winters†¦. OR -Always, Frequently, Often, Usually, Regularly, Generally, Sometimes, Seldom, Rarely, Never. * Time Expressions that are one word, we put before the main verb. . g. I always do my homework. e. g. We don’t usually spend so much money. * If the main verb is BE (am, is, are), we put the Time Expression after it. e. g. I am never late. * When we have a sentence that is a general fact, we don’t use any time expression and we have to know that it refers to PRESENT SIMPLE. e. g. The sun shines in the east. My father works in a factory. We live in Boston. How To Use The Present Simple? i) Affirmative form: -Subject + Verb + Object e. g: I play football every day. **3rd person of singular: -Most of the verbs take the letter â€Å"s†to from 3rd person of singular, e. g. : Live-lives Work-works but †¦the verbs ending in â€Å"sh, ch, o, x, ss†, we ad â€Å"es†e. g. : wash-washed, teach-teach es, go-goes fix-fixes kiss-kisses and†¦the verbs ending in consonant + letter â€Å"Y†, we cut â€Å"y†and add â€Å"ies†. e. g. : fly-flies cry-cries study-studies but†¦the verbs ending in vowel + letter â€Å"Y†, we add â€Å"s†. e. g. : play-plays say-says Stay-stays ii) Negative form: To do the negative form in present simple tense, we must use the auxiliary â€Å"to do†. -Subject + verb to do (conjugated) + not + main verb (infinitive) + the object. e. g. : I do not play tennis every day. She does not work in my company. [do not= don’t †¦. does not= doesn’t ] iii) Interrogative form: -Like in negative form, we must use the auxiliary â€Å"to do†. -Verb to do (conjugated) + subject + main verb (conjugated) + object + ? e. g. : Do you go to school on Sunday? Does Carlos play football every weekend? Carlos Vieira How to cite Present Simple, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Leadership in Business Skills - Performing
Question: Discuss about the Leadership in Business for Skills, Performing. Answer: Introduction: When it comes performing leadership skills in practice, Indra Nooyis democratic and maternal style of leadership studies three important aspects of leadership. Firstly, listening to opinions and considering them, secondly, satisfying employees needs as that is the key perspective for an organization to function with wide customer base. Thirdly, making important decisions that only comply with organizations objectives but also with the managements perspective. The democratic leadership style followed by Indra Nooyi highlights the perspective of consistency and adequacy in an organization which are different from the positions of authority rather it is in relation to the performance of three functions that is distributing responsibility amongst the team members, empowering group members as well as taking decisions (Kaluarachchi 2012). On the other hand, when it comes to maternal leadership, the leadership is mainly focused on enhancing care, patience, perseverance and resilience (Vitullo 2014). However, Indra Nooyi has followed a mixture of two styles in order to create new forms of generativity so that it could foster motivation, encouragement as well as cooperation to achieve organizational excellence (Day and Antonakis 2013). Indra Nooyis socialized charismatic style of leadership has been undertaken based on few points. Firstly, this leadership opts to care deeply for a person in any circumstance. Secondly, the ideal performance with purpose highlights the financial success as well as social responsibility of the organization. Thirdly, she believes to invest in communication skills because it constitutes to be one platform that enhances leadership. On the other hand, the basic principle outlines is the employees needs while inspiring and motivating them at the same time (Enactus Career Connections 2014). The style studies the constructive measures that can be adopted in relation to society to maintain environmental sustainability. Moreover, the style majorly reflects the social business direction to the company while satisfying employees with low employee turnover. Conversely, the flexibility approach is adopted in the business to sustain and translate visions with concrete actions into reality. This concept is a part of transformational leadership where leaders like Nooyi inspire the employees to follow the ideal figures. Although, it is based on employee perspective but its deep-rooted values is to be consistent with organizational change initiatives. However, this style will help in imbibing new values in the personnel (Groves 2014). Indra Nooyi followed her 5Cs model of leadership, which accompanies competency, courage, confidence, communication skills and compass. The Iron Lady of PepsiCo enlists those strong communication skills not only gives confidence for public perseverance but also builds a strong process that helps her talk to employees of PepsiCo on a weekly basis. On the other hand, relationship building with the employees helps her to follow both her leadership styles. Although, relationship building is not a part of 5Cs leadership but it surely is one of Nooyis strengths. Moral compass is a trait that she undertakes based on moral codes because according to her every organization owes to society care. Moreover, it is important for any organization to help society in solving problems as well as reaching the desired goals (Center for Work Life 2014). References Center for Work Life. 2014.Leadership Qualities of Indra Nooyi, leadership examples. Available at: [Accessed 18 Aug. 2016]. Day, D.V. and Antonakis, J., 2013. The future of leadership.The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of the psychology of leadership, change, and organizational development, pp.221-235. Enactus Career Connections. 2014.Indra Nooyi's Leadership Lessons: Head, Heart Hands. Available at: [Accessed 18 Aug. 2016]. Groves, K.S., 2014. Examining leaderfollower congruence of social responsibility values in transformational leadership.Journal of Leadership Organizational Studies,21(3), pp.227-243. Kaluarachchi, K.A.S.P., 2012. The role of democratic leadership communication towards organizational performance: The case study of a Sri Lankan public hospital. InAnnual research Symposium 2012, University of Colombo. Vitullo, A. 2014.A maternal leadership. Available at: [Accessed 18 Aug. 2016].
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