Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Rock Classification free essay sample
MET period, rock Is a kind of music that has held a wide fan base with crowds of lovers since the late 1 backtalk. Peruse on to learn of the causes of exciting music and its defenders. .. What Is Rock? Basically Rock is a diverse blend of a noticeable vocal tune joined by guitar, drums, and bass. A few groups utilize an imaginative blend of piano, synthesizers, saxophone, woodwind, mandolin and sitar to overwhelming effect.The most punctual referred to foundations of awesome music as a one of a kind type of music spreading out from jammin go back to the right on time to-mid asss. Throughout the following 5 decades from that point forward, rock has been impelled into being one of the most famous and smash hit parts of business music at this point incredible craftsmen. With the rush of ubiquity of jammin, made Immensely famous by the Battles, two British groups Pink Floyd and Black Sabbath, In totally differentiating styles, established the sub-kinds of dynamic stone and overwhelming metal. We will compose a custom paper test on Rock Classification or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Pink Floyd investigated a metal hallucinogenic sound joining electric guitars and consoles to make astonishing sound varieties while Black Sabbath dove into a darker, heavier sound stressing a moderate rhythm and tuned down guitars. The following not many years saw a blast in the stone classes as a rule offering ascend to fluctuated sorts talked about in this article alongside different less known types. As you will have the option to advise numerous sorts are difficult to characterize and others cover with one another creation clear lines between kinds difficult to draw.Rock Classifications Numerous parts of rock have been conceived awesome, delicate stone, hard rock, dynamic stone, metal, elective, grunge Each of which have a few unobtrusive varieties. E. G substantial metal has fan out into dynamic, passing, corrosive, dim surrounding, power, musical, Goth The rundown goes on. Dynamic Rock is an exceptionally open and interlaced class of music which got its beginning in the late ass, and proceeds right up 'til today. Prop Rock craftsmen attempt to take the underlying foundations of shake and apply them to an all the more traditionally impacted structure. The music is regularly intricate and by and large requires extraordinary artists with a lot of ability. It isn't irregular for Prop Rock pieces to be protracted Echoes by Pink Floyd is an early case of this marvel and the convention proceeds right up 'til the present time in different pieces like First Light by Shadow Gallery. Substantial Metal or Metal as It Is as of now got back to began In the late ass and Is regularly credited to Black Sabbath. Overwhelming metal discovered its underlying foundations in the blues and hallucinogenic joined with an interest for mysticism.The cliché metal tune consolidates eave crashing drums sounds (frequently with a twofold bass) with thickly misshaped guitar riffs, shouting vocals and ground-breaking musicality. Dynamic Metal or Prop Metal as some call it is a mix of dynamic stone and overwhelming metal which came into notoriety during the late ass with Consequences and Dream Theater. Dynamic metal has a little yet faithful and dedicated gatheri ng of fans who are captivated by the blend of numerous uncommon components acquired from the dynamic stone custom, for example, fuse of Jazz, Orchestration and other differed impacts. Like in Progressive Rock, it is regular for pieces to be more than 10-15 minutes and once in a while increasingly like the 24-minute Activation by Dream Theater. Hard Rock is a type of rock roll that discovers its underlying foundations in the early asss carport rock and draws from Jazz, blues, awesome, and different impacts like society on account of popular hard rock craftsman Led Zeppelin whos principle essayist and author Jimmy Page was a renowned studio artist and master guitar player who was keen on Celtic and people influences.These various impacts can be plainly heard in one of the cost powerful collections of this style Led Zeppelin 4. Air conditioning/DC, Jim Hendrix, Deep Purple and Iron Maiden are exemplary instances of early hard rock. Throughout the most recent 50 years, Rock has gotten one of the most well known classes of music creating various notorious craftsmen who have composed the historical backdrop of rock with their own one of a kind commitments to the recolle ctions of numerous ages. Incredibly, a few of the above stay as mainstream as ever with Pink Floyd drawing record swarms at the Live 8 show and a few different groups framed in the ass discharging collections as of late.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Annotated Bibliography Essay
1.) How would we pick which laws are simply and which ones are most certainly not? †Unjust laws are those that purposefully preclude the person’s common freedoms, as indicated by the articles. 2.) What laws do you see that would fit the model for what ruler would call unfair? †Thanks to Dr. Lord and others who have affected the past of social equality issues I don’t see numerous instances of out of line laws. The utilization of Marijuana is urged to be utilized in certain religions, in spite of the fact that in this nation it is illicit. Think about some low things you have seen and neglected to follow up on. 1.) Had you followed up on only it, would your association have transformed anything? †No, I would have been out numbered and perhaps put myself and my youngsters in hurts way. 2.) What on the off chance that we as a whole responded too quickly and together to matter of unfairness? †If most people would respond too quickly in a circumstance they would settle on unreasonable choices and not set aside the effort to thoroughly consider the circumstance. 3.) How does the demonstration of practicing of our first revision rights, particularly when we cooperate, help to shape the world we live in? †The issue is such a large number of individuals anticipate that others should fix their issues, so it might be hard to urge a significant number of them to utilize their first correction rights. On the off chance that we could arrive at a state of a gathering of individuals cooperating then yes I do feel that we would have the option to settle on a sensible, legitimate end. 4.) How did the Occupy Wall Street Movement (OWS) utilize common insubordination toâ further its motivation? †They cooperated and thought of their answer which wouldn’t create additional circumstances or savagery and threatening vibe. 5.) Considering the results related with the OWS Movement, would we be able to guarantee that the times of powerful considerate defiance are finished? †No, as I would like to think most enormous occasions that have huge results will in general happen at any rate indeed later on with twofold the force. Clarified list of sources Essay The viciousness depicted in the media will in general make the open increasingly forceful and vulnerable to brutality by the basic factor of impersonation. In addition, because of the measure of savagery presentation, the open winds up having a misrepresented thought of the world where they live. Media viciousness has consistently been a developing subject. We live in a world in which media is available in our regular daily existences; regardless of whether we are viewing the news, or watching a film, tuning in to a melody, or in any event, playing a computer game. Numerous examinations have indicated an away from between the measure of viciousness introduction and the forceful and brutal conduct reflected in someone in particular. In addition, in the wake of being continually presented to vicious substance, the open winds up accepting the world is a coldblooded and unbound spot. This theme is accordingly exceptionally fascinating to seek after and concentrate so as to have a superio r comprehension of it. The examination I will follow will help show whether the media is in reality influencing the users’ psyches and practices. Before taking on the theme I picked, I chose to go to the library to discover significant sources talking about viciousness in the media. I made certain to discover trustworthy and exact sources from the AUD database, as all the articles are peer-surveyed. Also, as I am a media understudy in the institute of correspondences and data contemplates, I am as of now perusing a book accessible at the library, entitled â€Å"Media, Culture and Society†by writer Paul Hodkinson. It was fascinating to discover a segment examining TV savagery. There was additionally a fascinating investigation driven by Albert Bandura so as to consider the social impact that media brutality has on the populace. These sources would be amazingly gainful and helpful to my exploration paper. Besides, I was dazzled by the extraordinary number of diary articles talking about this particular theme, and they were anything but difficult to track down on the AUD database entitled Expanded Academic ASAP. I additionally figured out how to discover numerous online sources on web search tools, for example, Google. In any case, it was difficult to assess the dependability and validity of the sources as some significant data were missing, for example, the author’s name, and the date the article was distributed. In this way, I decided to incorporate just a couple of explicit electronic sources, the ones that appeared to be generally exact to me. At long last, I figured it is fascinating to do a short overview comprising of inquiries, for example, the measure of TV expended every day, the computer games played, the most fierce film at any point viewed, on the off chance that they were ever in a battle. Be that as it may, my overview can't be a piece of my paper as the individuals Iâ targeted were colleagues, and were in dominant part exceptionally instructed and media educated; subsequently, the media they devoured isn't accepted to make them progressively forceful. Commented on catalog Callahan, Sidney. â€Å"What We See, We Do: Violence and the Media.†Commonweal 123.1 (1996): 6+. Extended Academic ASAP. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. Portrays how individuals learn brutal conduct by observing it sanctioned. States that even youngsters who are not legitimately influenced by animosity get familiar with the conduct and recollect how it’s done. They wind up having an inclination of emulating the demonstration of savagery. Cases â€Å"people mentally acknowledge and become what they see through the media†. This article would be intriguing for my paper as it features the intensity of media and the intensity of impersonation. Diorio, Geri. â€Å"The Mean World Syndrome: Media Violence and the Cultivation of Fear.†School Library Journal Dec. 2010: 61. Extended Academic ASAP. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. This narrative depicts media researcher George Gerbner who clarifies his hypothesis concerning the impacts of being presented to elevated levels of media savagery. Gerbner accepts that the general population is in steady idea that the world is a barbarous spot; the open along these lines consistently feels uncertain. The narrative talks about an examination giving a few measurements on violations rates and people’s convictions on the quantity of wrongdoings happening each year. It is fascinating to talk about this investigation in my paper. Gentile, Douglas An., and David A. Walsh. â€Å"A Validity Test of Movie, Television, and Video-Game Ratings.†Pediatrics June 2001: 1302. Extended Academic ASAP. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. Talks about film, TV and computer game appraisals. Demonstrates that parent appraisals and industry evaluations vary with respect to the measure of rough substance and depictions of brutality. Recommends that industry evaluations frameworks ought to be overhauled with the assistance of expert networks to improve their unwavering quality. In view of auxiliary sources. This article would be intriguing for my paper as it shows that the appraisals are not completely sound, and numerous individuals figure out how to trespass them. Hodkinson, Paul. Media, Culture and Society: An Introduction. London: SAGE, 2011. Print. A segment in the book, entitled â€Å"Bobo Dolls and transient conduct effects†attempts an analysis drove by Albert Bandura who is affected by the social learning hypothesis, â€Å"which centers around the limit of people to learn practices by watching others†. This trial is hence helpful and intriguing for my paper as it takes on a substantial report. Lemish, Dafna. â€Å"‘Will This Happen to Me?’ Children’s Exposure to Disaster, Violence in the News.†Gateway Journalism Review (2013): 10+. Extended Academic ASAP. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. Analyzes children’s presentation to viciousness in the news. States that youngsters and youngsters are crowds as well and are often presented to news deliberately or accidently. They wind up having a negative picture of the world the live in. The creator talks about her perspective and gives exact models that would be valuable for my paper. Markey, Patrick M., and Kelly Scherer. â€Å"An Examination of Psychoticism and Motion Capture Controls As Moderators of the Effects of Violent Video Games.†Computers in Human Behavior 25.2 (2009): 407+. Extended Academic ASAP. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. Analyzes the potential directing impacts of movement catch innovation and participants’ own degree of psychoticism on their antagonistic vibe and forceful considerations in the wake of playing vicious computer games. Shows that members with raised degrees of psychoticism are considerably more influenced by savage computer games than different members. Gives truthful data dependent on formal examinations. â€Å"Media Violence.†Pediatrics June 1995: 949+. Extended Academic ASAP. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. Depicts the job of pediatricians in media outlets and the media. Recommends that pediatricians team up with TV stations and systems to constrain children’s introduction to fierce substance and direction guardians to screen their children’s TV seeing propensities by restricting them to a couple of hours. In view of optional sources and gives data from formal examinations. Nikkelen, Sanne W. C., et al. â€Å"Media Violence and Children’s ADHD-Related Behaviors: A Genetic Susceptibility Perspective.†Journal of Communication 64.1 (2014): 42+. Extended Academic ASAP. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. Gives understanding into the job of hereditary factors in media impacts. Looks at the connection between media brutality introduction and consideration shortfall/hyperactivity issue (ADHD) and states hereditary air as a potential reason for singular contrasts in children’s utilization of and powerlessness to media savagery. It is intriguing to specify in my paper how hereditary qualities can likewise be a factor in media impacts. Swani, Kunal, Marc G. Weinberger, and Charles S. Gulas. â€Å"The Impact of Violent Humor on Advertising Success: A Gender Perspective.†Journal of Advertising Oct.- Dec. 2013: 308+. Extended Academic ASAP. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. Analyzes this union of funniness and physical savagery in promoting. Gives two investigations of the reactions of people to savagery in amusing publicizing. The outcomes recommend there may
Monday, August 17, 2020
The History of The Great American Smokeout
The History of The Great American Smokeout Addiction Nicotine Use Print All About The Great American Smokeout By Terry Martin facebook twitter Terry Martin quit smoking after 26 years and is now an advocate for those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction. Learn about our editorial policy Terry Martin Updated on October 22, 2017 Stockxpert More in Addiction Nicotine Use After You Quit How to Quit Smoking Nicotine Withdrawal Smoking-Related Diseases The Inside of Cigarettes Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Coping and Recovery Statistics tell us that approximately 7 out of 10 smokers want to quit yet go on lighting up, day in and day out, unable to stop the vicious smoking cycle theyre stuck in. Such is the nature of nicotine addiction. As discouraging as that sounds, the good news is that there are approximately 46 million former smokers in the United States today, giving us proof positive that smoking cessation is an achievable goal. Back in the Day... When I was a young smoker back in the mid-70s, attitudes here in the U.S. about tobacco were a lot different than they are today. A person could light up just about anywhere, and while we all knew that cigarette smoking was hazardous to our health, we were in the dark ages about just how dangerous it really was. Today, in part due to anti-smoking initiatives like the Great American Smokeout (GASO), we are much more aware of the dangers cigarette smoke poses to our health. As a result, were more proactive about avoiding tobacco, whether were smokers trying to quit, or nonsmokers choosing to stay away from secondhand smoke. How The Great American Smokeout Began In 1971, Arthur P. Mullaney, a guidance counselor at Randolph High School in Randolph, Massachusetts organized an event that set the wheels in motion for the Great American Smokeout as we know it today. In an interview with the American Cancer Society (ACS) News Today, Mr. Mullaney said: Kids used to come into my office after school, and one day we were talking about college. I said, you know, if I could have a nickel for every cigarette butt I see outside wed have enough money to send all of you to college. He went on to say that if the smokers in the town of Randolph stopped smoking for a day and donated the money they would have spent on cigarettes, theyd have the makings for a college scholarship fund for students. Before long, the plan for the first Smokeout was underway with the tag line Light up a Students Future, Not a Cigarette. That first event, which took place in February of 1972, brought in $4500 and got enthusiastic support from the town of Randolph. The second annual Smokeout event raised $5000, and by the time year three rolled around, the ACS had come on board with marketing help, bringing in well-known sports figures from the Boston Celtics and the New England Patriots. Just a few years later in another part of the country, Lynn R. Smith, an editor of the Monticello Times in Minnesota launched an initiative called D-Day, which stood for Dont Smoke Day. The idea of a smoke-free day, the roots of which had likely been planted by Arthur Mullaney in Randolph, finally took off like wildfire, and in 1976, the California Division of the ACS succeeded in getting nearly one million of its smoking residents to put the butts down for one dayâ€"quite a feat. The Great American Smokeout had been born. The Great American Smokeout Today Every year since that first GASO event in 1976, the third Thursday in November has been reserved for the Great American Smokeout, hosted by the ACS. Americans are challenged to quit smoking for this one day, and from there, the hope is that they will permanently kick smoking out of their lives. Many thousands of people have done just that, using the Great American Smokeout as the start of a healthy, smoke-free lifestyle. Facts About Tobacco-Related Cancers Smoking is linked to 30 percent of all cancer deaths and upwards of 87 percent of lung cancer deaths in the U.S. today.Cigar smoking carries hazards for the user that are similar to cigarette smoking. Cancers associated with cigar smoking include lung, oral, larynx, esophagus and possibly pancreatic cancer as well.Smokeless tobacco increases the risk of cancer of the cheek and gums by nearly 50 percent for users. Smokeless tobacco is not a safe smoking alternative.Smoking is associated with numerous types of cancer, including: nasopharynx (back of nose and throat) cancer, cancer of the nasal cavity, lip, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, pancreatic cancer, uterine and cervical cancer, bladder cancer, kidney cancer, stomach cancer, and acute leukemia A Few Other Key Facts About Tobacco Use: Approximately 45 million U.S. adults (20.8 percent of the population) smoke and about 23 percent of U.S. high school students smoke.Life expectancy for long-term smokers is approximately 14 years shorter than for nonsmokers.Upwards of two million tobacco-related deaths occurred in the United States in the 5 years between 1997 and 2001. Given enough time, tobacco kills half of those who continue to use it. But long before that happens, it ruins our quality of life in the most horrific of ways. Theres No Time Like The Present... If youre thinking about quitting, why not team up with the thousands of other smokers who are planning to use the Great American Smokeout this year as the day they make smoking historyâ€"their history. In the meantime, start your preparations by gathering some supplies to help you manage nicotine withdrawal and reading up on what you can expect after you quit smoking. The links below will help you get started. Preparing for Your Quit DateQuit Smoking SuppliesAchieving the Mindset for Success A Word About Support Statistics show that people who quit smoking with a healthy support system in place have a much higher rate of long-term success with smoking cessation. Set yourself up for success by surrounding yourself with like-minded people who know exactly what you are going through. It makes a huge difference! Dont fear smoking cessationâ€"quitting tobacco is a gift beyond compare and one that only you can give yourself.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Switching Ideaologies during the Great Depression - 934 Words
During the Great Depression era, many presidents found themselves sliding between political ideologies. They would identify with one, but also enact policies that fall unto the other side. They slid back and forth between being Liberal (or more Democratic) and being Conservative (or more Republican). The ideologies for each side bore a massive difference. The Democrats would favor help from the government while the Republicans chose to go with the attitude of it’s up to the people to make a difference - hard work and no help. The two presidents of this era, Herbert Hoover and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had different policies abiding to their different sides. While these policies differed from the expected ideologies, they fall closely into what one would expect from today’s political parties. Herbert Hoover, a Republican, followed the path of less government and went directly against Roosevelt and his liberalism. Hoover considered himself a Republican with liberalistic views. During the 1932 election, Hoover ran the campaign against Roosevelt saying that with Roosevelt’s idea of combining government and business is false liberalism (Document 1). This political ideology most closely identifies with a Democratic view point, which is why Hoover also believed he belonged in every group. (Document 1). Although he identified with Republicans, he tended to slide towards the other half as well. However, during the actual depression, Hoover sided with the Republicans more. During
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Principle of Marketing - 1655 Words
Principles of Marketing Promotion: Overview and Personal Selling Promotion Mix Personal Selling Advertising Publicity Sales Promotion Elements in the Communication Process (Fig. 14.2) Promotion Strategy Strategic Objectives Appropriate Tasks Budget Implementation Evaluation and Control Strategic Issues Integration Relationships Goals: Information, Persuasion, Reminder Consumer Considerations: AIETA Model Target Integrated Marketing Communications (Fig. 14.1) Advertising Personal selling Sales promotion Public relations Direct marketing A View of the Communications Process Marketers View Communications as the Management of the Customer Relationship Over Time Through the Following Stages: Preselling†¦show more content†¦Reps†) Simple Low fixed costs Less control High variable costs Designing Sales Force Strategy and Structure Sales Force Size productive and expensive assets shrinking in size workload approach Sales force size Increases with Decreases with Training Salespeople The Average Sales Training Program lasts for Four Months and Has the Following Goals: Help Salespeople Know Identify With the Company Learn About the Products Learn About Competitors’ and Customers’ Characteristics Learn How to Make Effective Presentations Understand Field Procedures and Responsibilities Compensating Salespeople To Attract Salespeople, a Company Must Have an To Attract Salespeople, a Company Must Have an Attractive Plan Made Up of Several Elements Attractive Plan Made Up of Several Elements Fixed Fixed Amount Amount Usually a Usually a Salary Salary Variable Variable Amount Amount Usually Usually Commissions Commissions Or Bonuses Or Bonuses Expense Expense Allowance Allowance For Job For Job Related Related Expenses Expenses Supervising Salespeople Directing Salespeople Directing Salespeople †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Identify Customer Targets Identify Customer Targets Call Norms Call Norms †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Develop Prospect Target Develop Prospect Target †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Use Sales Time Efficiently Use Sales Time Efficiently Annual Call Plan Annual Call Plan Time-and-Duty Analysis Time-and-Duty AnalysisShow MoreRelatedMarketing Principles1212 Words  | 5 PagesMarketing principles: Task 2 2.1 Explain how the vacuum cleaner is developed to sustain a competitive advantage. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Present Simple Free Essays
PRESENT SIMPLE 1-When do we use it? -When we are talking about a habit; -When we are talking about a schedule; -When we are stating a fact; -When we say something that is generally true; -When we give instructions or directions. 2-TIME EXPRESSIONS for things that happen regularly are: -Every†¦. -Once a†¦. We will write a custom essay sample on Present Simple or any similar topic only for you Order Now -Twice a†¦. -On Tuesdays†¦.. -In winters†¦. OR -Always, Frequently, Often, Usually, Regularly, Generally, Sometimes, Seldom, Rarely, Never. * Time Expressions that are one word, we put before the main verb. . g. I always do my homework. e. g. We don’t usually spend so much money. * If the main verb is BE (am, is, are), we put the Time Expression after it. e. g. I am never late. * When we have a sentence that is a general fact, we don’t use any time expression and we have to know that it refers to PRESENT SIMPLE. e. g. The sun shines in the east. My father works in a factory. We live in Boston. How To Use The Present Simple? i) Affirmative form: -Subject + Verb + Object e. g: I play football every day. **3rd person of singular: -Most of the verbs take the letter â€Å"s†to from 3rd person of singular, e. g. : Live-lives Work-works but †¦the verbs ending in â€Å"sh, ch, o, x, ss†, we ad â€Å"es†e. g. : wash-washed, teach-teach es, go-goes fix-fixes kiss-kisses and†¦the verbs ending in consonant + letter â€Å"Y†, we cut â€Å"y†and add â€Å"ies†. e. g. : fly-flies cry-cries study-studies but†¦the verbs ending in vowel + letter â€Å"Y†, we add â€Å"s†. e. g. : play-plays say-says Stay-stays ii) Negative form: To do the negative form in present simple tense, we must use the auxiliary â€Å"to do†. -Subject + verb to do (conjugated) + not + main verb (infinitive) + the object. e. g. : I do not play tennis every day. She does not work in my company. [do not= don’t †¦. does not= doesn’t ] iii) Interrogative form: -Like in negative form, we must use the auxiliary â€Å"to do†. -Verb to do (conjugated) + subject + main verb (conjugated) + object + ? e. g. : Do you go to school on Sunday? Does Carlos play football every weekend? Carlos Vieira How to cite Present Simple, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Leadership in Business Skills - Performing
Question: Discuss about the Leadership in Business for Skills, Performing. Answer: Introduction: When it comes performing leadership skills in practice, Indra Nooyis democratic and maternal style of leadership studies three important aspects of leadership. Firstly, listening to opinions and considering them, secondly, satisfying employees needs as that is the key perspective for an organization to function with wide customer base. Thirdly, making important decisions that only comply with organizations objectives but also with the managements perspective. The democratic leadership style followed by Indra Nooyi highlights the perspective of consistency and adequacy in an organization which are different from the positions of authority rather it is in relation to the performance of three functions that is distributing responsibility amongst the team members, empowering group members as well as taking decisions (Kaluarachchi 2012). On the other hand, when it comes to maternal leadership, the leadership is mainly focused on enhancing care, patience, perseverance and resilience (Vitullo 2014). However, Indra Nooyi has followed a mixture of two styles in order to create new forms of generativity so that it could foster motivation, encouragement as well as cooperation to achieve organizational excellence (Day and Antonakis 2013). Indra Nooyis socialized charismatic style of leadership has been undertaken based on few points. Firstly, this leadership opts to care deeply for a person in any circumstance. Secondly, the ideal performance with purpose highlights the financial success as well as social responsibility of the organization. Thirdly, she believes to invest in communication skills because it constitutes to be one platform that enhances leadership. On the other hand, the basic principle outlines is the employees needs while inspiring and motivating them at the same time (Enactus Career Connections 2014). The style studies the constructive measures that can be adopted in relation to society to maintain environmental sustainability. Moreover, the style majorly reflects the social business direction to the company while satisfying employees with low employee turnover. Conversely, the flexibility approach is adopted in the business to sustain and translate visions with concrete actions into reality. This concept is a part of transformational leadership where leaders like Nooyi inspire the employees to follow the ideal figures. Although, it is based on employee perspective but its deep-rooted values is to be consistent with organizational change initiatives. However, this style will help in imbibing new values in the personnel (Groves 2014). Indra Nooyi followed her 5Cs model of leadership, which accompanies competency, courage, confidence, communication skills and compass. The Iron Lady of PepsiCo enlists those strong communication skills not only gives confidence for public perseverance but also builds a strong process that helps her talk to employees of PepsiCo on a weekly basis. On the other hand, relationship building with the employees helps her to follow both her leadership styles. Although, relationship building is not a part of 5Cs leadership but it surely is one of Nooyis strengths. Moral compass is a trait that she undertakes based on moral codes because according to her every organization owes to society care. Moreover, it is important for any organization to help society in solving problems as well as reaching the desired goals (Center for Work Life 2014). References Center for Work Life. 2014.Leadership Qualities of Indra Nooyi, leadership examples. Available at: [Accessed 18 Aug. 2016]. Day, D.V. and Antonakis, J., 2013. The future of leadership.The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of the psychology of leadership, change, and organizational development, pp.221-235. Enactus Career Connections. 2014.Indra Nooyi's Leadership Lessons: Head, Heart Hands. Available at: [Accessed 18 Aug. 2016]. Groves, K.S., 2014. Examining leaderfollower congruence of social responsibility values in transformational leadership.Journal of Leadership Organizational Studies,21(3), pp.227-243. Kaluarachchi, K.A.S.P., 2012. The role of democratic leadership communication towards organizational performance: The case study of a Sri Lankan public hospital. InAnnual research Symposium 2012, University of Colombo. Vitullo, A. 2014.A maternal leadership. Available at: [Accessed 18 Aug. 2016].
Monday, March 30, 2020
Tempest By Shakespeare Essays - Operas, English-language Films
Tempest By Shakespeare The Tempest is an interesting play written by the famous, William Shakespeare. It is his official and last accomplishment. This play is thought of as one of Shakespeare's "romance" plays. Shakespeare started to write toward the end of his career about magic and fantasy set in far-off lands. These realms that he created are written about in his plays. This particular play is famous for his usage of magic, which is carried through by the Duke of Milan (a state in Italy), who is also known as Prospero the magician. Prospero rules Shakespeare's creation of an island set far away from all realities and creates ruckus for all that land on the island. Prospero who is on an island with his daughter Miranda and some servants to assist with magic is stranded but he uses his magical powers to his advantage. Prospero is on this remote island because his brother Antonio usurped his position of Dukedom. His evil brother sent Prospero and his baby daughter sailing into sea with a boat full of wholes. Antonio sent Prospero away in such an abused boat that he assumes that Prospero had to died at sea, but this is not so. A kind-hearted man named Gonzalo changes Prospero and his daughter's fate and Prospero in return uses his magic on the island to make it some what livable for them. The play starts out so happily but then Prospero is offered a chance to use his magic and take revenge upon his evil, brother Antonio who took his place in Milan, Italy as the duke to rule. Antonio happens to set sail in waters that are close to Prospero's island. His servant, Ariel who is an airy spirit, which Prospero rescued from imprisonment and now controls can fly, play magical music, misdirect people, turn invisible, and create storms and fire, among other abilities. Also Ariel's gender is uncertain and probably indeterminate; it is referred to sometimes as "he", but also takes on female forms (for instance, the nymph of I.ii.301 and the harpy of III.iii.53ff) and spends much time invisible. It is probably simplest to think of Ariel as androgynous-that is, neither male nor female) So Prospero and Ariel conjure up a huge storm (the tempest), and try and steer the ship towards the island so that his daughter and himself can return back to civilization. The ship wrecks near the island and Prospero uses his magic to make sure that all the passengers manage to make it safely ashore. Many interesting figures wash upon shore. These figures include, Antonio, Alonso, the King of Naples, who conspired long ago to help Antonio get rid of Prospero; the good old counselor, Gonzalo; Sebastian, Alonso's own power-hungry younger brother; and Ferdinand, Alonso's son, the Prince of Naples. The characters basically divide up into two groups, the protagonists and the antagonists. Antonio is an antagonist. He is the evil brother of Prospero, from whom he usurped the position of Duke of Milan twelve years ago. He also plots with Sebastian to kill Alonso and Gonazalo. Alsonso, the King of Naples is one of the figures belonging to the protagonist group. He was long ago involved in Antonio's plot to get rid of Prospero. He has a corruptible, power-hungry younger brother named Sebastian. He is the father of Ferdinand and the heir to the throne and he has a daughter named Claribel, who has just been married to a king fare across the sea. Gonzalo also belongs to the protagonists. He is a well-meaning, good-hearted elderly counselor of Alonso, who helped save Prospero and Miranda's life long ago, when Antonio and Alonso betrayed them. The next character is Sebastian who is an antagonist and he is also the wicked brother of Alonso, King of Naples. He is corrupt and power-hungry, and he plots with Antonio to murder Alonso and Gonzalo. Ferdinand is part of the protagonist group and is the Prince of Naples, and the son of Alonso. He falls in love with Miranda the first time he sees her. When Ferdinand is washed onto the island alone, Ferdinand and Miranda (the young, na?ve daughter of Prospero who has grown up on the island and has seen no other human being than her father for as long as she can remember.) meet and fall in love at first sight. This was Prospero's secret goal all along, although he pretends to dislike Ferdinand at first. Meanwhile, Prospero lets the other noblemen-Alonso and Antonio, accompanied by Sebastian, Gonzalo and others wander around the island
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Daimler Chrysler Essays
Daimler Chrysler Essays Daimler Chrysler Essay Daimler Chrysler Essay Julie I. Gonzalez DaimlerChrysler AG: A Decade of Global Strategic Challenges Leads to Divorce in 2007 The DaimlerChrysler merger of 1998 was accepted with anticipation of greatness by analysts, stockholders, and the auto industry. Both companies had a global presence and combined heralded a revenue of 154 billion and 5. 6 billion in profit, combined. However, this merger ended up in divorce due to cross-cultural problems, production and manufacturing glitches, competition, lack of demand, , and incompatible brand portfolios. On the Hofstede dimension, Germans rank very high on individualism. They are conservative and value privacy, politeness and formality. Individualism is not conducive to a combined effort. This need for individualism as a culture affected the overall efforts to combine knowledge and skills. Daimler employees were competitive and resented the Chrysler division. Efforts and goals were not combined and there was a lack of synergy. One of the reasons for the merger was to combine their operations, share Ramp;D know-how and joint sales. As a result of the lack of cooperation there were production manufacturing glitches. Manufacturing was not properly streamlined. Both companies had very different methods of manufacturing and production. There was no learning from one another or implementation of each other’s best practices. Competition in the auto industry is always tense. Toyota, for instance was the most efficient manufacturer and quality and consumer satisfaction. DaimlerChrysler’s goal was to become a major global player. These goals were not realized duet other challenges Daimler branded vehicles faced in maintaining their position as a luxury and quality tradition and Chrysler facing issues of safety. Chapter 7 lists the guidelines for a successful alliance. The number one factor is choosing a partner with compatible strategic goals and objectives with whom the alliance will result in synergies through the combined markets, technologies, and management cadre. They did share the same goal having a global presence, having a broad product range and technology leadership. However, these goals did not result in synergy, a mutually successful bond. The merger plan was to combine two very different brand portfolios. Daimler-Benz targets the upscale market while the Chrysler targets the low end/sub-compact market. Lack of demand also hindered the success of the DaimlerChrysler merger. Customer demand for Chryslers gas guzzling SUV’s and Daimlers expensive luxury vehicles was down due to the state of the economy. In May of 2007 DaimlerChrysler demerged. The merger was a failure and as a result Daimler lost big. How could this failure have been avoided? One could reason that clashing of the two cultures is something that is without solution. However, as we have seen with the Renault-Nissan alliance, two cultures that clash and on paper look impossible can be very successful. Negotiations were formal. Less formal, more personal negotiations between the German and American executives with an impartial mediator could have offered better solutions to issues before the actual merger took place. It appears to me that the merger went through rather prematurely without actual solutions to problems that they may actually face once combining the two companies. Issues such as how to properly merge the two brands, how to foster compliance in learning each other’s best practices. I believe that a successful alliance begins with leadership. A more effective leadership that is non-biased or without prejudice would be more successful. The resentment of Chrysler by Daimler should have been addressed. All employees not on board for the common good of the two companies should have been let go or moved to a different position. Lastly, the auto economy was suffering, and the consumer demand for luxury or gas guzzling vehicles was low. There was a lack of innovation during the post merger period. Innovation was not even discussed during the premerger negotiations. New vehicles aimed at what the customers were actually demanding may have allowed this union to have been a successful one.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
WHY IS CHINA AND THE COMMUNIST PARTY PRESENTIND THE HISTORY OF ZHENGS HE'S EXPEDITIONS POSITIVELY TODAY & DO YOU THINK CHINA CAN REPRSENT A ONE SIDED INTERPRETA - Essay Example There have been attempts to place Zheng He as predicting the emergence of China as a world power in the modern day. Several efforts by the Communist Party early suggest that it wants â€Å"to signal to its own people that it has recaptured past glory, while reassuring foreign countries that China can be strong and non-threatening at the same time.†(Kahn) However, the Chinese efforts to present a one sided interpretation of the explorer cannot be justified in this modern age of improved international cooperation among the world nations. It would be more advantageous for every nation to provide factual evidences to historical events and China, certainly, needs to present the objective facts in their attempt to make a better image of their fast. Historical facts and figures cannot be misinterpreted by any nation for its vested interest as there is no monopoly for any particular individual or nation over the truths of the past. The present criticisms by several intellectuals of the various parts of the world against the Chinese efforts to present a one sided interpretation of Zheng He indicates the same. In conclusion, while China has every right to have a pleasing image about its present and past, this cannot be at the cost of historical
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Texas Health Resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Texas Health Resources - Essay Example THR's goal of exceptional performance will have to be accomplished with cost savings, growth, and stakeholder value that may be in tension with quality and patient outcomes. This paper will examine the culture of THR, its contribution to the future success of THR, the present status of the strategic plan, and the future opportunities and obstacles facing THR. One of the primary assets that THR has as an industry leader is its mature and highly focused culture. The culture at THR is primarily based on the three pillars of being a faith-based organization, customer centered care, and the strength of its commitment to physician engagement. THR believes strongly that culture is the 'key driver to THR's competitive advantage" (Texas Health Resources 1, 20). Being a faith based health organization has several cultural aspects that define THR. Faith based, and primarily Christian, organizations have a long historical record of quality health care within the United States. In addition, they have traditionally shared "a passionate commitment to improving the quality of life of vulnerable populations" (MJ DeHaven et al. 1034). This aspect has created an attitude of patient oriented care to those that are most needy with less regard for a profit motive than for patient outcome. Faith based is also regarded as a system that places a high value on li fe and the positive aspects of spirituality in healing. These faith-based traditions are deeply engrained in THR's culture and THR is committed to maintaining these aspects as they move forward during the next 10 years. Bolstering the faith-based culture of THR is the long-term goal of its commitment to patient value and its dedication to working with physicians who have a good cultural fit. THR expresses this aspect of their culture as the Promise and the Value. The Promise is the pillar of their culture that emphasizes the importance of the individual "which can be easily lost in a larger organization" (Texas Health Resources 1, 6). Value relates to delivering the highest level of outcome, safety, and service in accordance with the cost of care. In addition, THR has made a formal commitment to creating physician and hospital relationships that will forge a physician partnership "in leading and managing key aspects of the THR 10-Year Strategic Focus and Transformational Themes" (Texas Health Resources 1, 23). Together, the faith based foundation, the promise to the individual, the concept of greatest value, and the physician partnership form the core concepts of THR's culture. While a great degree of THR's culture is in place and simply needs reinforced, the goal of integrating physicians as active managing partners will be a progressive process. Initially, physicians will be engaged based on a strategy of mutual benefit. Of course, while much of this benefit will be economic in nature, the long-term strategy also has some intangible benefits for the physician. The 10-year transformational plan calls for physicians that have a proud association with THR's brand, advanced clinical outcomes, as well as "tangible economic, clinical, and operational performance" (Texas Health Resources 1, 24). In addition, new employees are oriented into the strong culture of THR by highlighting their strategic statement which promises "to deliver outstanding value
Monday, January 27, 2020
Designing An Online Dating Service Information Technology Essay
Designing An Online Dating Service Information Technology Essay Valentinos has been a very successful dating service since 1976 as it provides a round the clock assistance to their clients. The company allows the client to request as many introductions as they can and also facilitate the modification of the information as many times as the member wants to free of charge. The agency is very popular because it not only provides better customer care but also effective matching with largest number of members. Weakness Time consuming in terms of matching from database Lack of investment in technology No provision of online matching as the website is information only The technology used for maintaining the database and language used for writing the code are very old The system is poorly documented Valentinos is losing its profitability as the services it provides are old fashioned and consume a lot of time. The process of match making is done offline which delays the service. The technology used in the system is also a decade older which the new staff finds difficult to use and maintain. Opportunities Make use of new and improved technology Provide online matching of compatible clients Bring innovation to their marketing strategy by advertising online Including winks, flirts and various emotions along with messages Valentinos can make best use of the recent advancements in the technology so that they can attract more clients and serve the existing clients in a better way. They can advertise on the internet on different websites along with newspapers and public transports due to the increase usage of internet over the past few years. Threats Different agencies providing better and advanced interactive interfaces Some agencies providing registration free of cost Changing government laws on accessing personal information Due to the competition from various new dating agencies which provide more and more interactive services using of the new technologies at hand, Valentinos is losing its market share. Changes made in the government policies in the past decade also contribute to the loss in the profitability of the organization. BALANCED BUSINESS SCORECARD Financial Objectives Measures Targets Increase the revenue from membership Application processed per day Increase the application processed per day by 15% in next 1 year Reduce advertisement cost More online advertisements Reduce the advertisement cost by 20% within next 6 months Reduce manpower cost Number of queries handled per employee Reduce the cost of manpower by 5% in next one year Customer Objectives Measures Targets Increase response time Time taken to process an application Response time should be within 24 hours Decrease registration fee cost for membership Registration fee should be reduced to 125 pounds More matches per list List of compatible members Compatibility list should have 10 person/ list Internal Objectives Measures Targets Increase manpower utilization No. of applications processed/ employee Increase the No. of applications processed/ employee by 10% Speed up the process of displaying members details Time taken to display members information Members information should be displayed within 24 Provision of online matching No. of matches per application Increase no. of matches per application by 15% Innovation Objectives Measures Targets Market survey To make use of the new technology at a faster pace Quarterly progress Interactive environment of the website Use of more winks and emotions with better look and feel of website Include new features in the website within 2 months VISION STATEMENT For all the people in U.K. who are single and in search for their special someone, Valentinos- the personal introductions agency is an online matchmaking agency that will help them to find the companion they are looking for. The agency allows the users to create a profile on its website to search for their suitable partners without the need to display much of their personal information. The information held is fully confidential, secure and assisted by trained personnel of the company 24*7. The system will increase the revenue of the agency by 20% in the first year of its use. Unlike the current offline matching system our new system will provide the customers with the option of online dating allowing them to find their partners in no time. The customers will be able to interact with their partners effectively and a lot of time will be saved in finding the right match. Scope Diagram Help Desk Administrator Client Website Maintains Member profiles Output Result Query Database Registers Compatible Profiles Customer Assistance Valentinos Membership MatchmakingOut of scope: Marketing Techniques Advancement in technology used Market survey Costs: Cost of development of online matchmaking system The cost that will be involved in creating the software for matching profiles online. Cost of software updation As the software is very old it needs to be updated so it covers the cost involved in any updation of the website. Hardware installation cost This include the cost of setting up of new servers to handle the increased traffic of member and also of the new systems to be set up having advanced technologies. Staff training cost It covers the cost involved in arranging seminars and sessions for the employees to train them so that they can provide efficient service. Software maintenance The cost involved in maintain the software i.e. various updates needed and instalment of new versions of it. Cost of customer Assistance It covers the cost of providing assistance to the clients i.e. setting up of various telephone lines and hiring new people to provide assistance. Benefits: Increased revenue from membership fee There will be an increase in revenue as with new services there will be increase in demand for the membership of the agency. Better throughput The profiles of the clients will be made available in less time thus the process of adding members will increase. Increased customer satisfaction As the services provided will be faster and more proficient the customers will be satisfied to a greater extent. Fast profile matching With online profile matching the compatible list can be generated in very less amount of time thus speeding up the process of dating. Fewer Complaints With the matches been made available in less time there would be fewer problems in related to the delivery of matches and hence the complaints from the clients will also decrease. Increased reliability The dating system will be more reliable as the matches are made online which will result in the decrease in human errors and the success of delivery of results will increase. Functional requirements Membership Creating user profiles Managing user profiles Registration Priority: Medium Profile matching 2.1 Search the members database 2.2 Match the compatible profiles 2.3 Display the matching profiles Priority: High Managing Staff 3.1 Employees responsible for the development 3.2 Employees maintaining database 3.3 Customer assistance staff Priority: Medium Customer support 4.1 Helping with the membership form 4.2 Providing counselling 4.3 Listening to and providing solutions to customer complaints Priority: High Online dating 5.1 Provide online compatibility matching 5.2 Speed dating Priority: High Payments 6.1 Make payments for the membership and new introductions 6.2 Record payments 6.3 Printing statements of the payments made 6.4 Accept membership fee Priority: High Editing user profiles 7.1 Modification to user records by the user any number of times 7.2 Deletion of personal profile Priority: Low Maintaining database 8.1 Creating a database containing user information 8.2 Updating the database 8.3 Deleting the profiles from the database who do not want to be a member anymore Priority: Medium Advertisement 9.1 Increase in online advertisements 9.2 Better graphical advertisements Priority: Low Non-functional requirements Software Quality Attributes Availability-1: The system should be available to the users any time of the day so that they can use it according to their ease. Reliability-1: The capacity of the system should also be planned so that it can handle any amount of user traffic anytime and should not slow down when lot of users are accessing the service at the same time. Performance Requirements PE-1: Response time for answering the general query of the user should not be more than 10 seconds. PE-2: At least 10 matches should be displayed while providing the matching list to the user. PE-3: The members profiles should be made available on the website in no more than one day. PE-4: The compatibility list should be handed over to the member within a day. Security Requirement SE-1: The transactions made online through credit cards should be totally secure so that no theft takes place. SE-2: Members should be asked for verification username and password so that only authorized users can access the service. SE-3: Ensure that only authorized users can modify the account details and personal information of their own profiles. Legislative Requirements LE-1: The system should comply with rules and regulations of the Data Protection Act. LE-2: Personal information provided by the users should be kept confidential i.e. should not be shared with any other entity without the prior permission of the person. Product Requirements PR-1: The software used for providing the service should be easy to upgrade. PR-2: The system should be able to work with all the standard applications. PR-3: The maintaining of the database should not be outsourced to a third party. Employees should be hired to maintain it within the organization. Detailed description of functional requirements Source: Planning Priority: High Owner: Planning Manager Requirement Id: 4.0 Functional requirement: Customer Support To be able to provide counselling to all the users who need one and answer to the complaints of members. Non-functional requirement(s) Description Target Value Acceptable Range Comments Response time 1 day 5 days Analysing the complaint and looking for solution Service hours 24 hours a day Benefits Will enable the agency to improvise the services they offer by finding solutions to the customer complaints. Comments/suggested solutions The user can also provide feedback. Related Documents Related requirements Resolution Source: Planning Priority: High Owner: Planning Manager Requirement Id: 5.0 Functional requirement: Online Dating To be able to match the compatible profiles online and displaying the results to the user. Non-functional requirement(s) Description Target Value Acceptable Range Comments Response time 1 hour 2-3 hours Searching the large database Benefits Will enable the user to find his/her compatible profiles list in a very quick time. Comments/suggested solutions Instant display of compatible profiles. Related Documents Related requirements 2.0 Profile Matching Resolution (Goodland, 2010) Use Case Model For Valentinos (created using StarUML)Detailed description of a single Use Case Use Case 6.1 Make Payment Goal in Context New user deposits the registration fee to use the services of the agency and existing user deposits the charge for getting new introductions Scope Level Online Dating System, User goal Precondition System available, Finance manager available Success End Condition Payment made successfully, Registration fee paid, receipt of the payment handed to user Failed End Condition Payment not successful, receipt not accepted Primary, Secondary Actors Client, Finance Manager, Credit Card Company, Bank Trigger Request for Introductions Description Step Action 1 Client is asked to make the payment to get the introductions. 2 Client enters his/her account details 3 Makes the required payment 4 Finance Manager records the payment made 5 Finance Manager generates a receipt 6 Client prints the receipt Extensions Step Branching Action 1a If the client is the first time customer: 1a1. Asked to register first 1a2. Deposits the membership fee also 2a If the client enters the wrong password: 2a1. Give him few more chances to enter the right one 2a2. Allow the client to change the password if he does not get it right. 4a If the client is using the system for the first time: 4a1. Create a new account for him. Variations Step Branching Action 3 Client may pay through Credit card, Demand draft, Pay pal Related information Make Payments Priority High Performance 5 minutes for the payment, 1 minute to handover the receipt Frequency 500/day Channels to actors Online Open issues Due Date à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦any other management informationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Included in Inclusions (Goodland, 2010) Assumptions made while modelling use case diagram Client can also provide a feedback in the form of complaints if he is dissatisfied with the services or the agency or if he wants to recommend any changes to the service. Administrator will maintain the information supplied by the client. He will also maintain the history of every client i.e. the introductions offered to the client. Administrator will hold the details of all the employees of the company. Customer service providers will not only provide solutions to the queries of the clients but also will be responsible for handling the complaints if any made by the client. Finance manager will be responsible for recording all the payments made by the clients so that the information can be used by the credit card company. He will also be required to produce statements of all the payments made by the client. Developer will have to run the match list to find compatible profiles and also manage the user traffic on the companys website. Areas Requiring Further Definition The use case Make Payments can further be expanded by including the different ways by which user can pay i.e. the user can either pay by credit card, a demand draft or even through services such as pay pal. The use case view online matches can be viewed in further detail by adding various features of online dating like chatting, winking, emotions etc. Rich Picture for Valentinos Reduced cost of offline matching Why cannot i have more than 6 matches Provide faster matches earn more money Will it be secure from hackers? This system will help us compete with new agencies Now I can see matches instantly Administrator Online matchmaking service Manager More work and new technology Maintain client records and their history Manage the traffic and run the match list for users Design the new system with latest technology Make the site more interactive Less queries about delivery success Decrease in number of complaints Developer Customer AssistanceC:UsersDeepankerAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5P2TU6YUZMC900055561[1].wmfC:UsersDeepankerAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5XUXPG77LMC900332528[1].wmf wow a faster and a convenient dating service Client C:UsersDeepankerAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5XUXPG77LMC900410797[1].wmf Police Is the company following the Data Protection Law C:UsersDeepankerAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE56NVVFFGMC900150005[1].wmf C:UsersDeepankerAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5P2TU6YUZMM900365263[1].gif Hacker More chances of getting caught Solve the problems of customers Various Stakeholders Primary stakeholders Client, Shareholders, Developer Secondary Stakeholders Administrator, Finance manager, Customer assistance staff, Hackers Key Stakeholders Client, Shareholders Stakeholders Attitudes Clients that are already using the dating service might not be comfortable with the new system at first. But as they get used to it they will find the new features of the system easy and better to use. The Shareholders at first might fear that the investment for the new system will not be worth the money and the effort. They have to be convinced that it is for the better as the services provided will be enhanced with greater customer satisfaction resulting to increased revenue. The employees may also find it hard to operate the new system as they are used to working with the older one for many years. There should be proper training provided to all the employees on the new system so that they can handle the new system efficiently. The development team may also find it a cumbersome job to create a new system and integrating it with the existing one. There will be an increased amount of work for the customer assistance department in the beginning when the new system is implemented. The lines might be flooded with assistance so they may demand an increase in pay or else new employees have to be recruited. Change Management The development team might not be very proficient or they may be wasting a lot of time in developing the new system. The project may be delayed and wasting a lot of money of the company. The senior managers might have to provide a warning of execution to the present team. If the development process still does not takes the required pace new development team has to be hired. During the developmental stage there might be a change in technology in demand which is cheaper and provides better functionality. Developers will be interested in that but the investors who have already invested in the existing technology will be reluctant. Both the teams have to agree on one common solution for the project to continue. If the new investment in the technology yields a profit on the combined total investment then the management gives a go ahead for investment in the new technology. Possible Developmental Approaches Scenario 1: Development by an external contractor who will specify the system and have it programmed by their sister company Select user story for release Suitable development approach would be Extreme Programming (XP). XP is chosen as it is an agile development technique which helps in developing a more effective product. A the programming is outsourced to the sister company it will be convenient for the contractor to follow this approach as the development can be done with only one customer n only 3 weeks of time. The process of development involves informal story narration of requirements between a customer and developer which can be easily understood. The programming is done by the programmers in pair. There is daily interaction with the customer so if he feels that the system has reached the desired level further work may be prevented. (Source: Cockburn A., 2008) Stories broken down into tasks Release planning Develop/ test software Software release System evaluation Extreme Programming Release Cycle (Sommerville, 2007) Advantages Cost saving in development as the development team consists of 3-10 members only. Development can be done with one customer also in a single room. The process of development is done in interactions over a period of 3 weeks. Each iteration provides the code that is tested and running. The customers as well as the programmers can reprioritize the tasks over time. Pair programming is followed. The delay of finding the solution is less. Rapid feedback. The design is simple. (Cockburn, 2008) Disadvantages The requirements are not documented. To proceed with development discussion is needed between developer and customer after every iteration. Optimization of code is left for the end. No overtime. (Goodland, 2010) Risks Involved There might arise a conflict between the two programmers and they may not be able to reach to a common conclusion. Hence the development can be delayed or even not be able to proceed. In such a case a new team has to set up and the work has to be done all over again. If there is a sudden change in the development team, new employees will find it hard to understand the progress of the work as the requirements are not documented anywhere. (Cockburn, 2008) Scenario 2: Purchase of rival agency and customisation of their software The development lifecycle suitable for such a scenario will be Incremental Model because the software is already present with the rival agency. The development team of Valentinos only need to structure some components and provide extra functionality to it according to their ease. It is an iterative model for the waterfall lifecycle approach i.e. each iteration follows the waterfall model and the iterations are done till the desired functionality of the end product is reached. (Ruparelia, 2010) Design system architecture Assign increments to requirements Define requirements Final system Validate system Integrate increment Validate increment Develop system increment System Incomplete Incremental Model Cycle (Goodland, 2010) Advantages The functionality of the software is made available quickly and in the early stages. Previous iterations provide feedback to the new ones. While the iterations are smaller testing and debussing is an easier job. Stakeholders view can also be incorporated throughout the development cycle. Risk of failure of the project is very low. Potential issues with the development can be found out easily and can be resolved. (Ruparelia, 2010) Disadvantages The individual iterations done are not flexible and they do not overlap with one another. All the requirements for the system life cycle are not clearly framed out during the initial iterations which may lead to problems. (Source: )
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Intro speech Essay
Earth Hour is a worldwide movement for the planet organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Earth Hour engages a massive mainstream community on a broad range of environmental issues. It was first famously started as a lights-off event in Sydney, Australia in 2007. Since then it has grown to engage more than 7000 cities and towns worldwide, and the one-hour event continues to remain the key driver of the now larger movement. The event is held worldwide and held towards the end of March annually, encouraging individuals, communities, households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour as a symbol for their commitment to the planet. Earth Hour 2013 was celebrated on March 23, 2013. Earth Hour 2014 is scheduled for Saturday, March 29, from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. during participants’ local time. -2004: in Sydney not so famous – 2007: Become well known -2008: Earth Hour 2008 was held internationally on March 29, 2008 from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. local time, marking the first anniversary of the event. With 35 countries around the world participating as official flagship cities and over 400 cities also supporting, Earth Hour 2008 was celebrated on all seven continents. Landmarks all around the world turned off their non-essential lighting for Earth Hour, including the Sydney Opera House (Sydney, Australia), Empire State Building (New York City, USA), (examples) 2008 participants[edit] Earth Hour 2008 included 26 major cities worldwide and 300 smaller towns shutting off their lights.[6] 2009: Earth Hour 2009 was from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. local time, March 28, 2009. 88 countries and 4,159 cities participated in Earth Hour 2009,[37] ten times more cities than Earth Hour 2008 had (2008 saw 400 cities participate).[38 96 countries on 6 continents participated in the event in 2009. – 2010: Earth Hour 2010 was held from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. local time, 27 March.[49] In Israel, the hour was held on 22 April.[50] Earth Hour 2010 was reportedly the biggest Earth Hour yet, aiming to garner more than the one billion participant goal of 2009’s Earth Hour.[51] 126 countries participated in Earth Hour 2010.[52] 2011: Earth Hour 2011 was the biggest year in the campaign’s five year history, reaffirming it as the largest ever voluntary action for the environment. It took place in a record 5,251 cities and towns in 135 countries and territories in all seven continents.[59] It had an estimated reach of 1.8 billion people across the globe. In addition to this, the campaign’s digital footprint grew to 91 million. – 2012: Earth Hour 2012 was observed on 31 March 2012 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (participant’s local time).[66] It took place in more than 7000 cities and towns across 152 countries and territories, making it the biggest growth year for the campaign since 2009. In February, Earth Hour launched its 2012 campaign â€Å"I Will If You Will†, with the intention of engaging its growing global community to go beyond the hour and coordinate efforts publicly through Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and e-mail. Using a dedicated YouTube platform,[67] IWIYW asks Earth Hour’s digital community to inspire people from all corners of the globe to take sustainability actions, and to share their commitment to the environment with their own social media networks. -2013: Earth Hour 2013 was held across the world on Saturday, March 23 at 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. local time[71] to avoid taking place after European Summer Time begins, ensuring the greatest impact of the lights off ev ent. It is also to avoid coinciding with Western Christianity Holy Saturday, which falls on March 30 of that year. 2014: Earth Hour 2014 announced the date will schedule on March 29 as seen on the 2013 Earth Hour highlights >> â€Å"I will if you will†Campaign: â€Å"I Will If You Will†(IWIYW) is an Earth Hour campaign to encourage positive action for the environment. The actions required are up to the individual or group. They could be big or small and it might be a simple lifestyle change or perhaps something that leads to political change. The campaign intends for people to become the inspiration to their friends, family, colleagues and communities by sharing what they’re willing to do to protect the planet. Challenges can be created or accepted on Earth Hour’s YouTube channel. Many organization supports and celebrity endorsement – The Earth Hour Global FAQ page states: Earth Hour does not purport to be an energy/carbon reduction exercise, it is a symbolic action. Therefore, we do not engage in the measurement of energy/carbon reduction levels for the hour itself. Earth Hour is an initiative to encourage individuals, businesses and governments around the world to take accountability for their ecological footprint and engage in dialogue and resource exchange that provides real solutions to our environmental challenges. Participation in Earth Hour symbolises a commitment to change beyond the hour.[86]
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Gods Gods And Goddesses
The term gods and goddesses can be best explained and understood under four sediment cultural predispositions. First is the monotheistic culture of uneven attitude towards gods and goddesses when God is said to serve as the supreme being of the universe, the one who there are no others, in contrast to the observation Of the Greek philosopher Thales that †the world is full of gods†, the central of Islam begins, â€Å"there is no other God but Allah†and the warning â€Å"you shall have no other gods before†which heads the lists of the ten commandment given to Moses in the biblical world.Secondly, the demystification of the universe comes from the Scientific rationalism that Gods are fiction, a mere projection of natural realities. Thirdly approach is the deistic conceptuality with a general ideas as a metaphysical hypothesis designating ultimate order in the universe, something to be argued about and not something to be sacrificed to. Fourth is the Universa lism one that the main gods of the world religions are all versions of the same affable divine reality such as Allah, God, Brahmas, Buddha and Tao from various transcendent mystery.Like myth and rituals, a god is a form of religion that can have any content, which could be demonic or benign, male or female, limited or unlimited in power. It can represent the power of vengeance, kingship, love, ancestry, luck, territory, wisdom, fertility and consciousness. The word god is used generically here to mean any superior being that humans religiously engage; either being visible, invisible, inhabiting past, present or future can function as a god.Buddha and bodhisattva function as gods in many ways, even though they are a very different genre of being than gods of theism. God, odds and goddesses are not fantasy symbols but beings whose realms cannot be violated with impunity and also correlates with the critical points of a world where humans are most open to the power of the others, from political order to ritual purity. Traditionally, Ancestors, Elders and emperors receiving the same reverence as gods appearing as messiah, redeemers and inner guides delivering them of illness and supplications.Hindus acknowledge that, at the most fundamental level, God is the One without a second -? the absolute, formless, and only Reality known as Brahmas, the Supreme, universal Soul. Brahmas is the universe and everything in It. Brahmas has no form and no limits; it is Reality and Truth. Thus Hinduism is a pantheistic religion: It equates God with the universe. Yet Hindu religion is also polytheistic: populated with myriad gods and goddesses who personify aspects of the one true God, allowing individuals an infinite number of ways to worship based on family tradition, community and regional practices, and other considerations.The Your treat their ancestors with great respect, as might be expected in a culture with only oral records of the past, but anthropologist's debate as to w hether the rituals dealing with ancestry are religious in nature, or simply respectful. At least a few groups believe that ancestors, after death, become demigods, but only once they have assumed the personal of a true deity. This resembles another facet of the Your faith, the phenomenon of possession, in which mediums take on the characteristics of one or another of the gods.The characteristics of each god are so well stereotyped that mediums as far off as Haiti loll back their heads and cross their legs in the same way when possessed by the lightning god (Idiot, 1963). In traditional Roman Catholicism the polytheistic outlook Was carried on to some degree in the veneration of multitude of saints. Forty different saints were invoked in the French Vogues as â€Å"guardians of livestock and protectors from all kind of sickness such as gout, toothache and burns (SST.Augustine for instance protected one from warts), as protectors in the storms and against fleas. In Asian, there is a s imilar assimilation of native spirits of Buddhist saints. The name of invocation could change but the domain (childbirth, small pox etc) of the god or saint remained the same. Some gods are patrons of specific communities of people. In traditional cultures every significant collectivity would have a sacred group spirit of some kind. In many societies domestic spirits or ancestors rule the household circle.The Japanese sun goddesses, Amateurs, is the ancestress of all the gods, the imperial family, and ultimately the Japanese people. Maltreat was the god of tire, Moloch of cartage, Estate of Blush, Maraud of Babylon, Jupiter of Rome and Heehaw of Jerusalem. Christians profess Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior, leaning his presence in the heart and a desire that they are not alone. Mahayana Buddhist tradition speaks of every one being â€Å"the Buddha†â€Å"Islamic mysticism takes its cue from the Guarani phrase that Allah is closer to us than our very jugular veins.The faiths of the Hardbound peoples of Western Nigeria vary significantly from one part of the region to another; the same deity may be male in one village and female in the next, or the characteristics of two gods may be embodied in a single deity in a neighboring region; in the city of Ill Fife in Nigeria alone the trickster god is worshipped under three different names. These variations inevitably arose as the myths were passed by word of mouth; add to them the incorporation into the Your faith of facets of outside religions, particularly Christianity and Islam, and understanding the faith becomes difficult indeed.The religions, however, share a similar structure, â€Å"diffused monotheism†; a single omnipotent creator-god rules over the universe, along with several hundred lower gods, each with a specific domain of rule. Shannon, the god Wool Saying refers to in his poem â€Å"aunt of he Stone†, occupies a major position in the pantheon of the Your, although he holds a less important position in neighboring ethnic groups. Shannon (also spelled Gangs and Sago) creates thunder and lightning by casting â€Å"thunderstorms†down to earth; wherever lightning strikes, priests search the surrounding area for the thrown stone.The Your believe these stones have special powers, and they enshrine the stones in temples to the god. The Your people do not consider him the most powerful or even the most important god; rather, his popularity may have resulted from attempts to radar off the frequent tornadoes that strike western Africa. Curiously, the Your never actively worship their all-powerful god, variously known as Loran (â€Å"the owner Of the sky†) or Lodestar (roughly translates as â€Å"the almighty†), among many other names.Unlike Shannon, who has dozens of shrines erected to him, Loran has not a single shrine; the Your never make sacrifices to him, and he has no priests. He plays much the same role as do the Jude-Christian and Is lamic gods– he is â€Å"the creator of all things, the almighty and all-knowing, the giver of life and breath, and the final judge of mankind†, and yet the Your apparently ignore him in their day-to-day lives.A theory explains that perhaps Loran developed through the influence of early Islamic or Christian missionaries, as a simulacrum of the gods of those religions. This finds support in the argument that the Your find the concept of an almighty God so overwhelming and remote that they cannot relate Loran to their reality. Some Your legends have a pair of gods, Originals (Bobtail, Arise-anal) and his wife Audio, as supreme creating deities, either independent of almighty Loran or preceding him.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Continuing Threat of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV, is the virus that causes AIDS, the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Over 1.1 million people in the United States are living with HIV, and almost a fifth of HIV infected Americans are unaware of their status. Even though there have been key enhancements in the prevention and treatment of HIV, we continue to see too many new HIV infections accompanied by many AIDS deaths. Nearly every HIV infected person will ultimately develop and die from AIDS, if the virus is untreated. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 70 million people have been infected with HIV and 35 million people have died of AIDS since the beginning of the pandemic. Sub-Saharan Africa resumes being the most affected region, given an account of an average of 1 in 20 adults living with HIV. In the United States, fortunately the widespread availability of medications that treat HIV has meant that fewer people with HIV progress to AIDS, but in less economically devel oped parts of the world many people still die of the disease. Sub-Saharan Africa is home to 71% of people living with HIV. Almost all of the region’s nations have generalized HIV epidemics, meaning their national HIV prevalence rate is greater than 1% (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2014). South Africa has the highest number of people living with HIV in the world, 4.3 million. The spread of HIV in Africa can easily be stopped by means of education; furthermore HIV can be treated with modernShow MoreRelatedA Cross Spice Viral Transmission Of Simian Immunodeficiency Viruses922 Words  | 4 PagesAs early as 1930, a cross-spices viral transmission of simian immunodeficiency viruses took hold between African primates and the native people. Subsequently, this crossover underwent mutations and adapted to the human host, resulting in an undetected, yet devastating retrovirus that slowly spread among the African people (Sharp Hahn, 2011). By 1960, and still undetected the virus escape d Africa’s borders and made entry to other parts of the world, first Hatti followed by the United States (HildrethRead MoreThe Epidemic Of Hiv / Aids Essay1607 Words  | 7 Pagesemerged as global health crisis, which in 1982, was formally identified as acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Another two years would pass before scientists were able to isolate the retrovirus that causes AIDS, which in 1984 was termed human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV). Although a successful discovery, in the absence of a proven treatment, HIV and AIDS had free rein in which to leave in its wake a global path of fear, illness, and death. 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That allows for the gradual deterioration of a person’s immune system, which ultimately causes death from minor opportunistic infections, which are normally perfectly curable and generally do not cause major consequencesRead MoreHow Gender Increases The Hiv Risk Of Women1987 Words  | 8 PagesWhen AIDS made its debut in the early 80s, societies branded it as disease that infected homosexuals and/or IV drug abusers. First things first, AIDS and HIV are different. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is the virus that infects a person, and if left untreated leads to the fatal disease AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). However, over the last 35 years, we have learned that, in reality, AIDS does not discriminate against sexual orientation, drug addictions, race, age or any otherRead MoreDoes Gender Play A Role? Hiv / Aids?2536 Words  | 11 PagesDoes Gender Play a Role in HIV/AIDS? When AIDS made its debut in the early 80s, societies branded it as a disease that infected homosexuals and/or IV drug abusers. People often confused HIV with AIDS. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is the virus that infects a person, and if left untreated leads to the fatal disease AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). However, over the last 35 years, we have learned that, in reality, AIDS does not discriminate against sexual orientation, drug addictionsRead MoreThe Link Between Aids And Poverty2237 Words  | 9 Pagescontributing to making AIDS the number one killer in Sub Saharan Africa. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is believed to have originated in western Africa during the 19th to 20th century. HIV is a virus that gradually attacks the immune system which effects the body s ability to fight off illness and disease. T-helper cells or CD4 cells, a type of white blood cell, are destroyed when infected with this virus and the HIV virus begins to make copies of itself. HIV is transmitted through the fluids
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