Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Climate Changes And Climate Change Essay - 1691 Words
Climate is average patterns of temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind and seasons. Climate patterns play a significant role in shaping natural ecosystems, and human economies that depends on them. But the climate we have come to expect is not what it used to be. We know this from plenty of observation, documented in hundreds of journal papers and scientific research which has shown many evidence for rapid climate change. Climate change, refers to the rise in average surface temperature and increase in greenhouse gases to our atmosphere. Climate change is one of the most complex and important global issue that homes, towns, cities, states, nations, and countries around the world are facing today. Globe is warming and this is changing our world dramatically and generating new risks to everything and everyone on Earth. Climate is changing with disturbing impacts, and that change is advancing faster than any seen in the previous century. The climate plays a huge part in our environme ntal system that even a minor change can have impacts that are large and complex. An article on council on foreign relation notes, climate change has been an ongoing issue since 30 years ago when scientist first alerted the public around the world to the to the danger of it. The same article explains that American Meteorological Society estimates there is a 90 percent probability that global temperatures will rise by 3.5 degrees Celsius to 7.4 degrees Celsius in less than oneShow MoreRelatedClimate Changes And Climate Change Essay1458 Words  | 6 PagesAbstract: Climate is inherently variable. Climate changes from place to place and it varies with time. The world now faces one of the complex and important issue it has ever had to deal with: climate change. Climate change today is one of the biggest concerns of human beings on the planet and the effects of climate change are undeniable and it may cause environmental, social, and economic threats to the planet. We already know and easily can highlight several signs of climate change. They are: risingRead MoreClimate Changes And Climate Change Essay1656 Words  | 7 Pages Climate change is defined by the Intergovernmental panel on climate change ( IPCC) as a variation in the mean state of climate persisting for an extended period of time typically decades or longer while the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) defines climate change as a change in the climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activities that alters the composition of the global a tmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observedRead MoreClimate Changes And Climate Change1016 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Climate change is a reality that is happening now, and that we can see its impact across the world†(Haddrill, 2014) Climate change is the changes in the pattern of the climate due to natural and human activities that has been used inappropriately. Climate is defined as the â€Å"average weather†(Calow, 1998) for a particular region. Climate change is the human activities that affect Earth’s climate by using the human activities inappropriately that leads to the warming of the Earth. There are varietyRead MoreClimate Changes And Climate Change797 Words  | 4 Pagesdirect/indirect link between extreme events and climate change and the similar observation was found by Seneviratne et al., 2012) supporting that Climate change has resulted in changes in the occurrence of extreme events. Moreover, Out of 24 extreme events analyzed in this paper, 12 showed direct or indirect links to anthropogenic climate change and some could not be explained. Once a change has been detected it is important to attribute that change to some cause. Attribution, especially to humanRead MoreClimate Changes And Climate Change1081 Words  | 5 PagesThe concept of climate change has been around for quite a while. The earliest mention of climate change dates back to the 19th century. Swedish scientist, Svante Archenius was the first scientist to study the effect of CO2 on climate. (Rodhe et al 1997) The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) defines climate change as â€Å"A change in the state of the climate that can be identified (e.g by using statistical tests) by changes in mean and/or the variability of its properties and that persistsRead MoreClimate Changes And Climate Change1817 Words  | 8 Pageshear the words â€Å"climate change†what comes to mind? Probably weather and the changes. Many of us watch the news or use an app on our cellphones/electronic devices to keep an eye on the weather for the day, week, or even the month. But, there is actually a difference between weather and climate. Weather is actually â€Å"the changes we see and feel outside from day to day. It might rain one day and be sunny the next. Weather also changes from place to place†(Dunbar, 2014). Whereas â€Å"climate is the usual weatherRead MoreClimate Changes And Climate Change935 Words  | 4 PagesClimate change is one of the most important challenges of human kind in this century. The ability to adapt, mitigate and reduce carbon emissions will be decisive to preserve the world for future generations. The last IPCC report has provided more evidence regarding the rise in temperature and sea level. Apparently, additional 2 °C above the pre-industrial average temperature levels is unavoidable, and it will continue at that level due the accumulation of gases in the atmosphere (Solomon 2009). ClimateRead MoreClimate Changes And Climate Change Essay1382 Words  | 6 PagesClimate change could be described as any process that causes adjustment to climate system be it a volcanic eruption to a change in the solar activity. Today, however, the phrase is most often used as climate change caused by humans. Climate change is also used commonly with another phrase – global warming – reflecting scientific observations of strong warming trends over the past century or so. Indicators like rising sea levels, retreating snow cover and gla ciers, longer growing seasons and shiftingRead MoreClimate Change Is The Change923 Words  | 4 PagesClimate change is the change in earth’s climate like temperature and precipitation over a particular region. Climate change has shown its affect all across the globe and is leading to all undesirable loses. Some of the reasons of radical climate changes are: †¢ Irresponsible activities of humans like misuse of fossil fuels, polluting water bodies and use of non-renewable sources †¢ Burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil are rising the levels of carbon dioxide in the air. Climate change is not onlyRead MoreClimate Change Is A Change1482 Words  | 6 Pages Climate change is a change in global or regional climate patterns. Climate change is a topic that is brought up in many different genres of conversations. Whether it be brought up and discussed in politics, school, family, or friends, some people still limit using those words when in casual conversation. Some of those same people are the people who still deny that climate change is happening. Climate change affects every single one of us. It affects everyone who lives on this earth every day and
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Julia s Character Development And Transformation
Julia’s character development and transformation in Danzon by Maria Novaro The movie Danzon by Maria Novaro may seem like a typical â€Å"woman seeking man†type of plot, but in actuality the film presents a change in the traditional gender roles. Danzon deviates from the traditional gender roles ever present in Mexican melodramas. Julia is a common phone operator living in Mexico City that only shares her time with her daughter, her job, and danzon. She meets with Carmelo, her dance partner, every Wednesday at a popular salon to show that they are the best at danzon. Although they have been dance partners for years, they do not know each other outside of the world of danzon. When one day Carmelo consecutively seize to appear in their†¦show more content†¦Secondly, the pain and bothersome of the footwear forcibly imposed by the men over women is accentuated through their rapid removal of the shoes right when the dance ends. Which leads to a theme of the movie as a whole - Julia breaking the rigid patriarchal societal structure. Danzon is Jul ia s life - unyielding and manipulated by men, either being a patriarchal culture or her dance partner. The dance is recognized as the only space of coexistence between men and women. A symbolic representation of the relationship between the sexes where their communication compasses their feet, body and arms. The world was danzon, the dance, not the desire to walk with men. It is consistently recognized that the three activities that devotes her life in Mexico City are totally full of guidelines and rules. Julia’s movements follow a pre-established routine, and danzon, like dancing, is the best example of this pre-established order - the discipline and the inability to improvise. It is a dance, like most, where women must go with your partner, where Carmelo puts his hand on her waist and Julia follows his lead. Melodramatic song is often sung by a singer who is not at all present on and throughout the film.
Monday, December 9, 2019
George Gershwin free essay sample
George Gershwin, was born September 26, 1898. In Brooklyn. New York by the name of Jacob Gershwin. At the young age of 15, George dropped out of school and began playing piano professionally at age 15. Only a few years there after, he was to be one of the most sought after musicians in America. A man of many eclectic genres, he composed Jazz, opera and popular songs for stage and screen. Many of his works are now considered to be standards. Gershwin died immediately following his brain surgery on July 1 1, 1937, at the tragically young age of 38.George Gershwin is noninsured to be one of the most successful composers of the united states. Many of his compositions have become Jazz standards which have survived from the sasss to the sasss. Jazz musicians commonly use his songs for Improvisation and a vast amount of bebop music is structured on the chord changes of many of his original songs. We will write a custom essay sample on George Gershwin or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page His pieces for classical performance including Rhapsody in Blue, An American In Paris, the Concerto In F for Plano and orchestra, and the Preludes for piano are still commonly found In todays programs.Charles Ham states that Gershwin has Ritter popular classical music and classic popular pieces (Schneider). George asked to study with ravel. Ravel countered that with how well Gershwins career was going, he should be getting lessons from Gershwin instead. Gershwin was later compared to Claude Debussy In his work Concerto in F. The listeners claims of similarity didnt deter him from further exploring French styles. Gershwin was also interested in the works of Dimmit Stochastic, Albany Berg, Drains Millard Igor Stravinsky, and Arnold Schoenberg.Gershwin also asked for composition lessons from Schoenberg. Like Ravel, Schoenberg refused, complimenting Gershwins style. Gershwin was major Influenced by early 20th century French composers. George Gershwin once said True music must reflect the thought and aspirations of the people and time. My people are Americans. My time is today. Gershwin was set apart by being able to alter forms of music Into his own exclusive style. Jazz music Indigenous of Tin Pan alley was turned mainstream by mixing in rhythms and tonality of the pop music of his age.Gershwin built his songs on a single tune. That tune was the inspiration and is used as the subject constantly throughout the piece. Richard Crawford writes that the Oldies of Gershwins concert works are surely the chief reason for their appeal. They share with many of his popular songs a trait that helps to imprint them firmly on the listeners memory: the opening material is consistently restated before contrasting material is heard. In his classical music Gershwin commonly wove in his tune.Wayne Schneider explains Gershwin musical building blocks are not those of Bach or Beethoven or Brahms, but the ways in which he fashions music by carefully foreshadowing and lovingly remembering his million-dollar tunes should not be denied their aesthetic right(Schneider). He would surround them with music that would reveal and hide the subject. It was all very calculated. His talent In doing so Is what made his music timeless and what sets him apart as a composer. Composers who used similar mechanisms of writing were 1 OFF melodic structures.In comparison, his tonal vocabulary was more modern. A notable characteristic of his music are his common use of blue notes. Crawford explains that Sometimes these notes function as dissonances, as in one theme of the Rhapsody, where on strong beats they clash with the bass At other times they soften the melodic contour (Crawford). Most of Gershwins works infuse African American elements. It is no coincidence that his largest work, Porgy and Bess is a drama centered around African Americans. He infuses harmonies that contain unusual voice leading.Richard Crawford explains how Gershwin employed Against five descending upper voices the bass line ascends. Parallel octaves between soprano and tenor, alto and baritone, lend an artless quality to the passage; yet only a sophisticated ear could have calculated the progressions freshness (Crawford). This approach to the form in his compositions exemplifies him as composer with strong quinine that doesnt cloud expression. Gershwin was fascinated with rhythm. Patterns were very apparent in his early music.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Tourism in the Himalaya free essay sample
In a developing country such as India, the tourism industry can be main source of revenue and if carried out properly the tourism industry can also give an increase to the country’s economy. This paper on the case study of the Himalayas will discuss the effects of tourism in this area. The Himalayan Mountain is the longest and highest range of mountain compared to all the other mountain systems of the world (Sharma). The Himalayan Mountain range is separated into 3 sectors from east to west, The Great Himalaya, The Middle Himalaya, and the Outer Himalaya (Anonymous). The Himalayas also has a high diversity of flora and fauna and the mountains acts a barrier against the cold wind coming from Siberia. Tourist such as mountaineers trekkers and nature lovers, from around the world visit India, and especially the Himalayas because of its beautiful scenic views and its peaceful atmosphere (Anonymous). Since 1980 the number of tourist visiting the Himalayas has raised from 800,000 to 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Tourism in the Himalaya or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 8 million (Dayal 1989 and Kottary 1994). The issues that have arisen from the great number of tourist in the Himalayas are the degradation of the environment. Over exploitation of the natural resource places the environment’s natural equilibrium in jeopardy. The great increase in tourist visiting the Himalayas led to cutting down of trees for constructions of new roads and the meadows replace for campsites (Anonymous) and as a result of improper use of the environment, it is estimated that 1. 5 million hectors of forest is disappearing every year. Disappearing forest not only affect the tribal communities but it also has a huge effect on wild life as it disrupt the animals’ food-chain, other consequences such as landslides can also occur. The assortment of plants and flowers are also depleting due to tourist, plants such as the Juniperus bush are being pluck away because it easily catch fire while still green and it serve tourist as a source of amusement (Anonymous). The most popular activities in the Himalayas is hunting and mountaineering. Hunting is permitted only to people with license and only certain animals were allowed to be hunted, due to these strict rules many tourist have become poachers. Many animals like the snowleopards, deer, goral, are in danger because they are hunted for their valuable skin and meat. Mountaineering in the Himalayas went from being an adventure with small groups has turned into a practice sport, with a massive entourage of man and animals. The mountain trails are barren of trees because the mountaineers depend on firewood for warmth. These trees and bush being chopped down can lead to the soil wearing down and landslides. Pollution on these trails is also a problem with these expeditions as people often leave behind canned goods, gas cylinders, first aid medicine all these items non biodegradable and harmful to the environment (Anonymous). Increasing number of tourist in the Himalayas have proven to be beneficial, since the tourism industry in India is second behind only to the gem and jewelry business (Anonymous), but tourism compared to gem and jewelry is the highest in net foreign exchange (Bala 1990). The money spent by tourist it has the multiplier effect, as it creates new jobs and capital accumulation. Through tourism workers earn around $290 compared to the national average of $120. In 1993 with 1. 8 million tourists to the Himalayas, gave a revenue of USD 1. 8 billion and foreign exchange grew about 14% that year alone (Kottary 1994). The impacts of tourism and the seven categories that where introduce by Glenn Kreag, only four of these factors can be related to the case of Himalaya. The most important factor that this case focuses on is the environmental factor; this case does not mention the positive impacts. It focuses more on the negative aspects that tourist have, such as the degradation of the environment and pollutions like solid waste, noise, and visual. The destruction of flora and fauna, and the uncontrolled visitation of tourist also play a role in degrading an environment. Economic impact plays a huge role on India’s economy because it increases the employment and creates new business opportunities. Tourism also contributes to the development of transportation infrastructure. The negative impact in India’s economy is the competition for land. Crowding and congestion is the next aspect on the Himalayas, with major increase in tourist India could not accommodate every with only 750 hotels and 47, 400 rooms (anonymous) which is considered to be a negative impact. The last two categories that have the lease intensity impact on the Himalayas are taxes, services. Service such as sewage system, telephone, electricity, have been available in rural areas of the country due to the tourist relate infrastructure. Increase in taxes for hotels, shopping and restaurants have some affects on the cities revenues. The source of impact such a tourist and destination factor that Kreag introduce at the end of the article has a major effect for the case of the Himalayas. Tourist factors such as number of visitors, length of stay and choice of activities, have all been linked to the destination factor of fragility of the environment used by tourist (Kreag). Greater number of tourist creates more pollution, tourist who stay longer can jeopardized the natural resources and choice of activities lead to alteration of the landscape.
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